New Policies for foreigners in a nutshell
By: Daniel Otero
I have to say, it’s about time! This makes me extremely happy. Especially for those of us whom had to literally ‘make our bones’ in this country.
As of this month, China is coming out with new policies to assist foreigners and recruit greater talent for this country.
But please understand, these visa regulations can change or will be adjusted from city to city and province to province, according to their own needs to benefit us foreigners.
It’d mean for China an exchange in different cultures and make this society more progressive.
Furthermore, the policies would assist in better background checks. Those coming here would have to be vetted before doing so. The other matters, it’d help to stop the falsification of documents when people first come into this country.
Therefore, it’s a race to reorganize foreign talent and attract more investment from abroad. Nice, compared when I first came to China eight years before and could only do English teaching. Now, we have more employment and investment opportunities.
Finally, we can get a Chinese I.D. card. However, it’s only for the group in Shanghai. But I believe it’ll soon catch on!
Take for example, a foreigner who has worked here continuously for more than four years will be able to apply for permanent residence. With documentation proof and stable income, it shouldn’t be a problem.
Further, China is presently looking for those talented enough with PhD or higher, based on years of work experience.
For those with Chinese ancestry, they can apply for a five-year multiple entry visa for working locally, studying, visiting relatives or for their long-term private affairs. The individual may be issued a five-year resident permit. It’s something needed more than ever, because there’s a better duality for those foreign-Chinese who come and go constantly.
People, it gets sweeter, University Students can apply for a two to five-year private affairs residence permit (under the Entrepreneur Visa). Then, once they graduate and they’re interested in staying, can apply for legal work; once hired by a company registered with the provincial PSB (Public Security Bureau). The student who has graduated can apply for a short-term private affairs (it’s under the Internship Visa).
If you’ve applied for two consecutive work-residence permits, hey, you can apply for a third one lasting up to five years.
You can now apply for a Talent or Working Visa upon arrival in China. It’s the Immigration Counter at the airport. Therefore, things are made a little easier.
These new policies aren’t only to assist foreigners, but their families. Once in China, they can apply for their spouse and children.
Companies from Hong Kong and Macao can register with the Pilot Free Trade Zone to work in mainland China through the district level of the PSB.
There will be a Talent first priority window to undergo visa and residence permit fast-track application.
And at these centers there will also be “Foreign Talent Station” for better quality of service.
Sadly, student and work visas aren’t yet permitted to be used in conjunction.
These policies aren’t all perfect. However, they’ll permit foreigners to live legally, work and be in a harmonious setting, side by side with Chinese.
In a developing country, it’s important to understand, an immigrant culture can make for a more tolerant and plural society.